The first factor to consider is the height of the greenhouse. When you like to root in the soil it's good to have some space to move around. If you have to spend more time on your knees, that pleasure will quickly disappear and you may lose your motivation to grow homemade vegetables. An average greenhouse is 7 feet high, so tall enough to stand up and grow most plants. So you're better off not choosing a greenhouse that is less than 7ft high. On the other hand, a taller greenhouse can be handy if you want to grow specific plants, but remember that the higher your greenhouse is, the more heat it needs.

The next factor is the width, which is an important dimension as this will determine the size of the benches and aisles. The size of your greenhouse will be limited by what your garden can accommodate. Therefore, for most of us, it will be quite modest. Larger structures will also usually cost more, so the budget maybe even if the size is not a factor. Your best bet is to go for the largest greenhouse you can. Common greenhouse sizes are:

Small greenhouse 1.88M 

Medium greenhouse 2.4M 

Large greenhouses 3M 

Small Greenhouses

Although it is classified as a small greenhouse, it gives you plenty of space to move around and sow seeds. You can grow some fresh herbs or a few plants as a hobby. A small greenhouse can be a good option for beginners to decide if they want to invest in a larger greenhouse.

Best small greenhouse, please click here.

Medium greenhouses

For the medium greenhouse, the width is usually 2.4M. People with a greenhouse gardening hobby like to buy these greenhouses, which is why medium-sized greenhouses are called 'hobby greenhouses'. A medium-sized greenhouse gives you more space to experiment with a different range of vegetables and plants, giving you a better experience.

Best medium greenhouse, please click here.

Large greenhouses

For larger greenhouses, usually the choice of the more serious greenhouse gardener. Lengths can vary up to 30 feet, so a 3M wide greenhouse can provide you with an opportunity to make the most of the whole space. However, the larger the greenhouse, the more budget is required. 

Best large greenhouse, please click here.

For more Greenhouses, please click here.